Monday, October 29, 2012

Real Chics, Real Food: Skinny Taste Pork Chops and Applesauce

This recipe was another effort to introduce my husband to pork AND it was a success. I am not a huge pork eater, but I was raised with it incorporated into my diet at least once or twice a month. Once my husband and I started dating seriously, and I knew he didn't eat pork, I unknowingly stopped eating it myself. Now I am slowly bringing it back into my diet to rotate with chicken and beef. 
This is another fabulous recipe from Skinny Taste ( Pork Chops & Apple Sauce). I followed the recipe to a T except for the sage. I couldn't find it at my grocery store, so I opted to go a little heavier on the thyme. I just love the scent of thyme on meats.

The pork chops came out juicy and tender. I loved the mix of seasonings and the flavor of the apple sauce. I've always seen apple sauce and pork on menus, but never thought to try them together at home. This recipe was also super quick, so it is perfect for a meal that has to be thrown together in 30 minutes or less when you get home from work.

Also, I will caution you not to put the lid on the frying pan when you are cooking the meat. Although very little flour is used, it does make the outside a little crunchy, but the steam from the lid will cause the crunch to be eliminated. So cook them uncovered and let them rest uncovered as well.



  1. This looks delicious!

    1. It was! Thank you! I actually made this a few weeks ago and am planning on making it again tonight!


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