Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday's Letters


Dear Weekend......................I have nothing planned but please feel free to add a day or two to the schedule

Dear God...................Words cannot express how thankful I am for everyone you have placed in my life, and all of the many blessings that you have sent my way. Even if I could say thank you every second of the day it still wouldnt be enough. You are just that great!

Dear Self.............................If no one else says it, you are fearfully and wondefully made and don't ever forget it. I love YOU!

Dear Future...............Although I am a bit confused of what is to come, I am ready and I know that whats in store for me is going to be great

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!!


  1. you really have such a great soul! i love it.

    have a wonderful weekend!

  2. awww thanks Faith!!!! Enjoy your weekend as well!!!


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