Wednesday, December 05, 2012

#50in52 Week 10

Week 10 baby! I am about one fifth of the way done! Although I haven't made as much progress as I would have liked by this time, I am still grateful and excited for the progress that I have made thus far.
Nellie inspired me to take a gym photo for ya'll this week. I think I may start to do this once a week to see if I notice any changes in pictures over time. Do you see the "pending" muscles in my shoulders?!?

I have been sick with bronchitis and a sinus infection, so I just had my first workout yesterday with James, my trainer, since last Tuesday. BUT my weight has stayed the same as week 9. And no gain is just as good as a loss when you know you haven't been doing everything you need to be doing some weeks in my book.

During my training session yesterday, I was really kicking some serious butt. I was so proud of myself! I can work out in zone 3 (the higher level of where my heart rate should be) with no problems now. Yes, I am sweating. Yes, I feel like I am working, but I no longer have that "I am going to die, like right now" type of pain in my chest. But I know that although I can kill it in the gym... I need to really put more effort into the other half of the weight loss battle.

My eating. 
No matter how hard I workout, I cannot out exercise a poor diet. 

The hard part for me is that I don't even have a poor diet compared to the average person. I eliminated sodas, white carbs, juices, fried foods... all the regular taboo stuff a long time ago. I allow myself to indulge occasionally  but only in very small portions. I cannot even tolerate eating large portions of my favorite foods anymore or just overstuffing myself in general since I have cut back so much on my portion sizes over the past year or so. I know I do not eat poorly, but what I am realizing is that I can do much better if I am going to be more serious about my weight loss goals. 

So I think I want to try and set some mini weekly goals for myself. I tend to get overwhelmed when I go crazy and make some gigantic life-altering goal, so starting small may be best. 

For the next week, I am not going to add any excess sugar into my diet, I will drink at least 60oz of water daily, and I will only eat brown carbs if and when I decide to eat carbs. Lets's see if it makes a difference in my weigh in next week. I am also really taking the FitFluential Ambassador position very seriously, I think this will definitely help keep me inspired and excited to really work to see changes in my body. 

Have you set any mini goals for yourself?

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