Hello EP! I am super excited to be featured at EP today. Chelle and I happen to be friends inside and outside of the blog world and she asked if I could post on a topic that most busy people always struggle with.
Squeezing in the time to exercise.
"You can either workout for 60 minutes a day, or be fat 24 hours a day."
And fat is interchangeable with skinny-fat, out-of shape, winded when you go up the stairs... ect. The first thing that you need to do is:
1. Plan ahead! You may plan ahead for those business lunches, plan ahead to get school work completed, and plan ahead for your hair/nail/wax appointments. So why not plan ahead to get in shape? Put working out into your schedule as an unbreakable appointment that you are making for yourself so you have already blocked out the time. If you must cancel, make sure you reschedule the appointment for another time that day or in the next few days. If you can reschedule that lunch with your girl friends, you can reschedule a workout with yourself.
2. Pick a time that works for you. Now, I am bias with this one. I highly suggest working out in the morning whether you are a morning person or not. If you get your workout completed first thing, then you won't spend your whole day talking yourself out of going. And, once you get into the groove of it, I promise it is not that hard to wake up a little earlier. If you are working out 3 days a week, I can almost promise you that by the end of week 2, you will most likely wake up a few minutes before your alarm goes off. AND especially for those people trying to lose some extra lbs, I love the idea of burning calories before I start eating my regular meals for the day. I am much more likely to pass on the yummy office brownie platter when I hit the gym in the morning. When I go at night, I always say, "Oh, well.... I will burn it off later." But burning it off later is counter intuitive. I would probably have to do double my usual workout to torch those fat-laden sugary calories in the brownie.
3. Pre-pack your gym bag! This is a biggie. We know it is hard enough to go to the gym in general but when you get frustrated trying to pack a gym bag, that just adds to it. For those of us working out in the AM, that means we are showering at the gym too! We need all of our shower goodies, makeup, hair stuff, work clothes, shoes... and the list can go on and on depending on how high maintenance you are. I already know, if I am getting up early to hit the gym, I cannot be bothered packing my stuff that morning in the dark. I even have a separate toiletry bag for the gym so I don't have to juggle my everyday products from my bathroom to the gym and back again everyday. It is essential to pack the night before when you are fully present and less likely to forget something important... like socks or pantyhose. Therefore, when you wake up, all you have to do is get dressed in your gym clothes that are at the end of the bed, brush your teeth, grab your pre-packed bags that are by the door, and get to the gym. I have some friends who even sleep in their gym clothes so they can skip one of those steps.
For those of you working out in the evening, it is still just as important. Mornings are hectic. Period. If you pre-pack your gym bag and bring it with you to work or leave it in the car if you drive, you will have that constant reminder that you already set time aside to break a sweat after work.
4. Find someone to keep you accountable. This person can be the janitor at your gym or your best friend who will actually work out with you. If you make friends at the gym and people get to know your face, you might start feeling more drawn to going because you know the girl who always sits next to you in spin class if going to say something to you when you are missing.
Hope these quick tips help you out! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at kimberly.workitoutgurl@gmail.com.

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