Sunday, February 24, 2013

Magazine Inspiration

Friday night after work, I decided that it was time to upgrade my iPad 1 to the mini, so I walked right into my nearest Apple store and picked one up. Did you know that they process EVERYTHING right from their iPhones? I barely walked into the store and my whole transaction, receipt included, was conducted at the nearest display table. On a phone. I know I am young, but technology really surprises me still. Anywho, as I was installing all of my apps, I started to configure my iPad magazine subscriptions. I am really feeling down these days since I am only subscribing to 3 instead of my usual 5-7.... But that's a whole other story.

The latest cover of Shape with Jennifer Love Hewitt had me floored. I've always been a Jennifer fan because of her body shape. She has an amazing hourglass shape that looks realistic! And she is proud of it even after that whole story of her "letting herself go" that was all over magazine stands and the Internet a few years ago. On the iPad edition, sometimes magazines include video snippets of the cover story interview and this issue had one with Jennifer! In her interview she talked about her perception on staying healthy.


I haven't watched her recent series, but from what the interview says, she is in lingerie a lot so fitness is a priority. After that terrible story about letting herself go, she says that she learned that she just needs to take care of herself more. NOT that she was embarrassed or ashamed of herself, but that she knew she could do better. So she eats healthy and exercises AND THREW AWAY THE SCALE. She says that she doesn't even know how much she weighs. And that she doesn't even care! It's all about how she feels, looks, and how her clothes fit.

Now I know you are probably reading this thinking "So what? That's not something that I have never heard before." But for some reason, I guess because Jennifer just seems like a REAL person to me, it hit home....and I put my scale in a place that will take too much effort for me to fish it out AND I recommitted myself to living a gluten and dairy free lifestyle for the time being (not because it will make me lose more weight but because the #NYNR challenge made me FEEL good).

I interpreted her throwing the scale away as being symbolic of her allowing herself to live a healthy lifestyle without the shackles on her ankles tying her to a number and/or specific diet plan. Eating healthy and exercising 5 days a week is her thing. I feel free already knowing that I don't have the scale on my mind. Although I said I would not be reporting my weight here anymore, I would still hop on the scale "just to see". My weight was actually going down too, but I have so much anxiety about that darn number. And I get anxiety about tracking calories too! But somehow when I am gluten and dairy free, I just ate better and didn't need too.

Finding a balance is what I am really striving for... This is honestly what being a #fitfluential ambassador is about in my mind.

What motivates you to find balance?




  1. I would love to throw away the scale. But it's the only way (for me) I can keep track of whether I'm doing poorly or well.

    But I know you can do it because you're awesome like that!

    1. Faith, no awesomeness here girlie.... I literally put it somewhere where I know I won't have the energy to go get it from. Lol. I want to give it a go since the scale can really make or break my day, sadly. More power to you if you're not a slave to whatever number you see like me!

  2. I have not thrown away from scale, but have banished it to the closet for long periods of time! I find it disheartening to see a number staring at me every morning. I can tell when I'm feeling fit and lean and when I'm not without that external cue.

    Do what works for you!

  3. It's a constant fight for balance with me too. For me, it's trying to find a balance between working out and eating right. I usually go balls-to-the-wall on one of them and let the other one slack a little. But then I get all hung up and overcorrect. So that's what I need to work on!

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